Sunday, March 2, 2014

MTV's(not so) hilarious train wreck

MTV will never be know for it's wonderfully acted programming or it's ground-breaking reality shows for this generation. However, one of the new shows for this season is a train wreck every episode. This show is Are You the One?. It follows 20 single people (10 women and 10 men), who are horrible at dating as they try to find their "perfect match" amongst the group.

 Very few people on this show seem to actually want to find love, instead they're more interested in hooking up and  having fun. While there is nothing wrong with this attitude with the show pitched as people finding love in paradise, you might want to clue your cast in on that fact. I try to watch this show every week, almost due to the fact that I feel the need to finish out the show and see if they will win the million dollars. Ah yes I forgot to mention that they are competing to split the million dollar prize with the group if they can get 10 perfect matches in 10 weeks. Some of the cast are trying to  mastermind strategies as to how they can figure out who the perfect matches are.  I don't understand how you can mastermind a strategy for this game, unless it's be open for everything.

You know that there is 1 person in that house for you and when you are told by the "Truth Booth" that the 2 of you are not a perfect match during week 1, move on. Come on you've known each other for like 7 days if that. REALLY, you're so in love with person that you just met. REALLY!!! If you are not a match, then be open to the other people in the house, but maybe continue to have a friendship with the first person.

I guess that I just don't fully understand the appeal of this show and really just want it to be over. I don't really have a couple to root for, since the ones feature on screen are full of drama and nothing else. I kinda expect the group to fail in there quest for the million, just due to not everyone really getting the goal of being there. Since this show has morphed it's self from a dating show to find love to a competition to win money. As soon as money is involved everyone is in everyone's business about the relationships. This involvement ends up in fights and train wrecks of episodes. The fights also aren't that entertaining which makes it a disappointing.  Sorry MTV maybe the next dating show done will surge full speed ahead.

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