Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Survivor catch-up blog

Abi vs. Dangrayne
In the last episode, Abi talked about how she didn't know how she was preceived by the tribe. She also said one of those famous lines that makes me laugh everytime, "I am very loved by my family and friends" or something to that effect.  This makes me laugh, because of course your family and friends love you that's why they are your family and friends.  Telling people this on Survivor is somewhat of a moot point.  I originally thought that some of her problems with other castaways could be attributed to her youth, but then  I found out that she is 32, so that blows my theory out of water. She does look really young, in my defense.  Abi just doesn't get certain things and know that I know her age I find her attitude to just be awful. Really you don't want to cook anymore, but you do want to eat? Get up off your but and help or just don't say anything at all.  Good luck winning Survivor Abi, maybe Angie will give you cookies.  
Pete and Artis take the fall
Pete and Artis have fallen victim to what I call the 'Abi disease'.  The 'Abi disease' stems from her not knowing how to interact with the other castaways.  Now it was brought up in the last episode that it could be cultural and yes that is probably part of it but not all of it.  Pete and Artis did choose to align with Abi and did choose to act the way they did towards Mike, RC and Lisa.  I'm not saying that the others are saints or angels and have never done anything wrong, but I maintain that no one deserves to be ostracized from a team ever.  Be cordial to people and treat them the way you want to be treated.  Back to Pete and Artis, I wish Abi would have been the first to go.  
Penner's Mistake?
Penner is redeeming himself this time.  He came in with a reputation of being a snake and  has actually been playing on the level.  However, Penner maybe so obsessed with playing on the level that he isn't making moves that would help him win the game.  For example, not taking a final four deal when asked and wanting to stick to what the alliance said they would do.  This is not a good move, especially since now he is on the outs of the alliance of six.   
Lisa- Power Player?
Lisa has surprisingly come to forefront as a power player.  I don't know how this happened but it did.  I have nothing against Lisa but it seems that she comes in and out of playing the game.  She has moments where she wants to stay loyal but moments where she wants to get rid of a strong player.  It seems that everyone wants Lisa to stay around but I don't know if she will go to finals.  Lisa might win because she is so well liked.  Denise is also very well liked but she has a better chance of winning than Lisa.  Denise can win her way to the end, while Lisa might not be able to.  Lisa has stepped up to the plate and made some game altering moves. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Challenge episode 7- Word of the Day:Respect

Sorry it's been a while, time got away from me last week, as well as not having a lot to say about the episode. So here are my thoughts on episode 7. 
Brooklyn finally wins!!!
Yeah!!! Brooklyn won a challenge!!! I was so excited to see that someone from the alliance didn't win.  What was more exciting was that this challenge was based purely on performance.  The time for the alliance has finally ended.  This challenge and the insane games are the first challenges that having an alliance didn't help you in the actual challenge.  This is refreshing from the past challenges, where being in an alliance can dictate the winner.  If this challenge is any indication of the final, which it seems like it might be, San Diego has no chance of winning the final.  Unless they get their crap together, San Diego will not win.  They can't communicate and can't keep calm during a challenge. These elements combine to mean that they won't win a final. 
So long NOLA
I was sad to see NOLA go.  I wis that is would have been Sam and Frank in the elimination, just because I want to see Frank go.  Frank is cocky and thinks that he deserves to make it to the end of the challenge.  Frank, I wish that I could send just you home.  Send Frank home and bring in Nate.  I think that Nate is the only guy left from San Diego, so he would be the only person that could come on as a replacement.  So sad to see NOLA go, come back and take Frank with you, please!

The Challengers version of RESPECT
This season the competitors have an interesting version of respect.  From the way that Camilla treated Eric during their arena.  Now, there's the way that Frank and Zach treated Sam.  TJ called it right, when under pressure, how you treat each other matters-a lot.  By not being able to make it through this challenge without yelling at each other, how are you going to make it through a final as a team.  Cancun had the right idea, if your teammate can't make it through a challenge, then help them.  That's the best thing you can do.  Don't yell at them and make them want to shut down, but encourage them to keep going.  San Diego, take a cue from Cancun and St. Thomas: don't yell and scream at each, but instead come together and be a team.  

Challenge MVP-
This week's Challenge MVP is a tie between Sam and Sara.  Sam because she stood up for herself during the challenge and then owned up to her performance not being up to par in the challenge.  Sam might not be able to carry logs up a hill but that's no excuse to yell at  her.  In fact I think she did what Ashley can't, put feelings aside and won in the arena.  I don't have that much faith in Ashley and I think the only reason she didn't get yelled at during this challenge was Sam's performance.  Sara is the MVP for Brooklyn.  Sara gets the credit for Brooklyn based on her confessional about putting the puzzle together at the log station instead of waiting to do this at the top of the hill.  This might not have been her idea, but she gets the credit.  

If They are Smart....
Now time for if they are smart!! If the challengers are smart, they will go after Cancun.  Cancun works together well and they perform well.  This makes  them a huge threat to win the final.  San Diego has very little chance of winning the final just based on them not being able to function as a team.  For every final that I have seen, the team that can work together is the team that wins.  Teams that fight the entire way through are less likely to make through a final.  So get rid of Cancun and keep the 2 person teams around.  These teams have a disadvantage in the challenges and throwing them in the arena is a waste.  Let the 2 person team lose and get in the arena that way, instead hope for an upset and put in a team that you want to see go home.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Survivor Episode 8- Lost Opportunity?

Sorry for no blog last week, but time caught up with me.  I was thinking about posting something after work, but then I realized that a new episode is airing so it makes last week's episode kinda a mute point.  Ok now on to this week's episode.

Lisa-Please Pick a SIDE
The main thing that stuck out to me during this episode was that Lisa couldn't pick a side.  She even said at tribal that she was a double agent.  Really, and you wanna win.  The weird thing about her speech, is that it didn't make me hate her but kinda made me think that she could get away with it.  What did make me hate her was her telling Pete and Skupin about Malcolm's idol and her saying that she still kept her word.  Really, last I checked telling Malcolm you wouldn't do something and then doing it, means that you LIED, or at least DIDN'T KEEP YOUR WORD. This shows that Lisa can't be trusted.  She doesn't think in black and white, only shades of gray.  This is a problem especially if you make the finals and have to rationalize your decisions for the jury.  Lying but saying that you didn't really isn't a good way to get votes for the million.  Heads up Lisa, you might want to pick a side, like 5 days ago.

Good vs. Evil?
I don't understand this good vs. evil that seems to be going on.  Just because people are negative doesn't mean that they are evil and you are the good ones.  I don't get that at all.  It really doesn't make that much sense to me at all, but I only see these people for an hour each week.  I do applaud the players that see bringing an 'evil' person to the end greatly increases your chances of winning.  As much as I would hate this, I that Abi has a great chance of going far, since no one likes her. Even Pete doesn't like her.  That says something about her.  As for the 'good' people see the paragraph on Penner for his past gameplay.  I could see likable and not liked but this good/evil labeling drives me crazy. 

Penner and the Snake
Penner lucked out with the immunity challenge.  With is being an elimination style challenge, Penner just had to make it past round one and then he had a significantly better chance for immunity.  I did like how Penner won his first immunity challenge with a snake puzzle.  Penner is thought to be one of the sneakiest people in Surivor, he was also called a 'snake' and a 'rat' on his first season of Survivor.  This just shows that this win was meant to be.     
3 Strikes and You're Out...Jeff Kent
Yes this is corny I know, but I couldn't help it.  I actually thought that Jeff was gonna win based on what was shown in the past couple of episodes.  The last few episodes have made Jeff out to be a power player and someone in control of the game.  It seemed as though he was in a good position to win the game, he was likable, athletic, and had a strong mental game.  This elements all come together to form a winner in Surivor. But Jeff played with fire too many times.  He was obsessed with getting rid of the returning players and this ultimately hurt his game.  If  Jeff had at least faked loyalty to Penner, then maybe he could have stayed longer, but he didn't.  Sorry Jeff your obsession got the best of you.  Talk to Dawson about want she gets since you didn't win, maybe she'll ask for cookies!

The Lost Opportunity??
Jeff Probst really confused me with his 'lost opportunity' comment at the end of tribal. Maybe getting rid of Malcolm, I don't know.  Malcolm called people's bluff and it worked for him.  By just saying he would play the idol worried people enough to not vote for him.  It's also possible that no one really was considering voting for Malcolm except for Lisa.  I don't know.  I think Malcolm made a good move.  As for Abi, you didn't have to show your idol! No one knew you had it, so you didn't have to tell people that you had it.  Oh well, hopefully this will just get you eliminated quicker (I can only hope). 

For your viewing pleasure Bradley Cooper and his look-a-like, Malcolm:
I swear these guys look a like. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Favorite TV Witches

In the spirit of Halloween (belated, I know) and my latest obsession, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, I've decided to write about my favorite TV witches. This is just a random listing and not in a particular order.

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
This is my latest obsession.  I love this show and all of the main witches in the show.  These witches include, Sabrina, Zelda, Hilda and Salem.  I count Salem as a witch on the show, since he is now a cat because of the horrible things that he did while he was a witch.  Sabrina has real life problems and comes up with creative solutions to them.  Also it's kinda cool to be able to just point and change your clothes or alter something else. Hilda is one of the strangest aunts I've ever seen on TV, she is however entertaining.  
Willow going after Glory 

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
How do you not have a TV witch list without Willow? She's a redhead, amazingly powerful, and cries when she breaks a yellow crayon.  Willow is super sweet, follows her heart, and is very quirky.  Being quirky adds bonus points in my book.  Willow is also true to herself, no matter if the decision is hard or easy.  Willow is kick-ass and sadly she is the only witch from the show I like.  I have nothing against Tara, but I just don't like her, so she can't make it on the list.   
Vampire Diaries
Bonnie as  witch (go figure)
Bonnie Bennett is an amazing witch, friend and girlfriend.  Bonnie has had her share of heart break in the 4 seasons of the show, but she keeps going and stays loyal to her friends.  Bonnie is tough, strong and always willing to help her friends.  She also will say no to a friend if they ask too much and this is another plus concerning Bonnie.  There have been other witches on the show, but none that have lasted that long and have made me feel something for them.  Therefore, like Willow, Bonnie is the only witch from her show to make it on my list. 

Phoebe, Piper, and Paige are some of my favorite TV witches.  I love this show and love the interactions between the sisters as well as their signification others.  I started watching this show during its 5th season so I'm not a big Prue fan.  So Prue does not make my list.  Chris and Wyatt do however, I absolutely adore Chris and you have to include the most powerful witch in the Charmed realm, Wyatt.  

All my favorite Halliwell witches 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Taylor Swift

Yes I am a Taylor Swift fan and I got her new CD a while ago.  I've decided to just tell you what my favorite songs of hers are.  They are not listed in any particular order, since the order would change on a daily basis, but these are the songs I'm most likely to listen to, if I'm in a Taylor Swift mood. They are listed by CD and bonus tracks are included.

Taylor Swift
  • Tied Together With a Smile is a song that really strikes a cord with me. I love that the song basically says, it's okay to fail and being perfect it's the goal.  The goal of life is to live and show your faults, embrace them and learn from them.  This song and it's meaning is something I still have to learn, but I am working on.   
  • I'm Only Me When I'm With You this song has described some of my friendships, specifically with my freshman roommate in college.  This has also driven me to be this way  around everyone and really not hide anything from people.  Since being yourself around only one person isn't that much fun, but I have learned to trust more people and let my guard down more around others.  
  • Mary's Song is a song I love.  I think it's so sweet and just captures the mood of hope, so very well.  It also just makes you want something like that. 
  • A Place in this World describes me the majority of the time perfectly.  I'm 22 and really don't know what's gonna happen and what I want to do.  Therefore this song is perfect, don't know what you want to do, this song says it's okay and you're not alone. 

  • The Other Side of the Door  is a song that I listened to after a break-up.  It is about forgiveness and really just wanting to hear someone say that they were wrong and everything will be okay.  This song is still a favorite and kinda my mantra regarding relationships.  
  • Love Story is a song I was sick of when it came out, since it was always playing on the radio, but now I like it again.  It really captures the essence of love (in my mind) and doing what you want to.  It also has the epic love feel, which I'm a sucker for, the same can also be said for Mary's Song.
  • The Way I Loved You is what I want.  I really don't want someone who's gonna be 'perfect', no I want someone with flaws and who will challenge me.  The person who gives me what I want doesn't interest me, because it's like "Do you have an opinion? What do you really think?"
  • The Best Day  describes my mom perfectly.  I have thought for a while if/when I become a mother and I am half the mother she is, my kids will be fine.  Take note to moms this is how a mother/daughter relationship should work.

Speak Now 
  • Speak Now is a song that is just really funny and kinda a fantasy   I kinda wonder, has anyone gone to the church and told the person they love, not to marry the other person. I know it happens in the movies, but I wonder if it happens in real life? Let me know if you know someone that this happened to.  Disclaimer I don't want the person to get hurt, I just want to know if anyone has done this. 
  • Sparks Fly is a song that I was really looking forward for the music video and then it was just concerts.  Major disappointment, but not my call. I still love the song and the epicness that I interpret  as the story. 
  • Mean is a great song for those who have ever been down, because the best revenge is success.  Responding to someone the same way that they hurt you, doesn't do anything but make you two the exact same. Being successful shows this person that they can't hurt you and you are better than them. 

  • Red really struck a cord with me, because of recent events in my personal life.  This song describes my feelings regarding the situation perfectly and I listen to this song all the time. 
  • 22 is a song I love, because I am 22.  The song captures 22 perfectly, just like most of her songs do for me.  
  • We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together is actually the song I'm listening to right now.  It's just so much fun.  I also feel like it's a good revenge song, so it gets an 'A' in my book.  The music video is kinda strange but really funny.