So I wanted to make a promise for Lent to go on everyday and the day I tried to make that I promise started my slump, go figure. So today is the catch up day bear with me and we'll get through it together.
Day 6- Favorite Female Super Hero

I like that this starts off easy. Jean Grey hands down is my favorite female superhero. Growing up, there weren't that many characters with red hair and Jean was one of few and she kicked ass. Love Jean as Jean and as Dark Phoenix. She just makes for a great character.
Day 7- Favorite Super Hero Comic

So confession that might get me yelled at, I don't read the comics. Eek!! go easy on me, please. So now that we got that out of the way I guess today's entry is nothing. As the closest thing to comics I read is manga.
Day 8- Superhero Crush
Ah another pretty easy one, Gambit. Gambit is just awesome, before he became a horseman. But still all round just an awesome character and pretty cute. Hey! you can definitely have crushes on cartoon characters, at least I hope so.
Day 9- Best Supervillian

Apocalypse hands down is the best supervillian. The X-men, Brotherhood and Sentinels couldn't take him take down. I think this definitely proves that
X-men is my favorite by far. Apocalypse is woven into every major event in history in some way.Whether it is creating Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) or creating Minister Sinister. Apocalypse has a master plan, one that takes a long time to uncover and delve into.
Day 10- Favorite Superhero Couple
This is a tough one between Jean Grey and Scott Summers and Gambit and Rouge. So I will give it a tie. I like these couples too much, not only cause they feature my favorite heroes. Also the significant others stand on their own. It's not just Gambit's love or Jean's love they are their own fleshed out character which makes for a most interesting couple
Here's hoping that there won't be another slump, til next time.
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