To follow up on my post from before about guilty pleasure shows, today I feel the need to rant about those shows from your childhood that society says you should no longer watch but still do. One such show that I actually watching right now is
Power Rangers. As a kid I watched this show with my brother every week and loved it, now it's just so funny. This show is just too corny to not laugh at. While it does have some good moments where it actually is serious, they are very few and far between. This is when you remember that the show was created for children and take it with a grain of salt. However, the show still does what it is designed to do, entertain or more specifically make me laugh. It also does bring back good childhood memories. I should also mention that in college on bad days I would watch clips or episodes online, so it hasn't been that long since I watched the show. At some point I have plans to do some sort of
Power Rangers top 10 list, whenever I develop one that I like.

To continue with my rant, I just question why certain shows are frowned upon for adults to watch and it's almost assumed that at a certain point you should no longer watch these shows. I still watch some of these shows from my childhood, and still find new and exciting things to enjoy about the shows.
Digimon, Yu-gi-oh, and
Pokemon are on this list along with
Power Rangers. These shows bring back wonderful memories from my childhood and in the case of
Digimon and
Yu-gi-oh are some of my favorite shows. I believe that shows and movies really don't have an "age limit"or a certain age in which you should no longer be watching a specific show or movie. This concept is purely socially engineered and not an accurate statement or conclusion. So if you need me, I'll be sitting here watching
Power Rangers today and maybe another day it will be
Til next time.
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