Abi vs. Dangrayne
In the last episode, Abi talked about how she didn't know how she was preceived by the tribe. She also said one of those famous lines that makes me laugh everytime, "I am very loved by my family and friends" or something to that effect. This makes me laugh, because of course your family and friends love you that's why they are your family and friends. Telling people this on Survivor is somewhat of a moot point. I originally thought that some of her problems with other castaways could be attributed to her youth, but then I found out that she is 32, so that blows my theory out of water. She does look really young, in my defense. Abi just doesn't get certain things and know that I know her age I find her attitude to just be awful. Really you don't want to cook anymore, but you do want to eat? Get up off your but and help or just don't say anything at all. Good luck winning Survivor Abi, maybe Angie will give you cookies.
Pete and Artis take the fall
Pete and Artis have fallen victim to what I call the 'Abi disease'. The 'Abi disease' stems from her not knowing how to interact with the other castaways. Now it was brought up in the last episode that it could be cultural and yes that is probably part of it but not all of it. Pete and Artis did choose to align with Abi and did choose to act the way they did towards Mike, RC and Lisa. I'm not saying that the others are saints or angels and have never done anything wrong, but I maintain that no one deserves to be ostracized from a team ever. Be cordial to people and treat them the way you want to be treated. Back to Pete and Artis, I wish Abi would have been the first to go.
Penner's Mistake?
Penner is redeeming himself this time. He came in with a reputation of being a snake and has actually been playing on the level. However, Penner maybe so obsessed with playing on the level that he isn't making moves that would help him win the game. For example, not taking a final four deal when asked and wanting to stick to what the alliance said they would do. This is not a good move, especially since now he is on the outs of the alliance of six.
Lisa- Power Player?
Lisa has surprisingly come to forefront as a power player. I don't know how this happened but it did. I have nothing against Lisa but it seems that she comes in and out of playing the game. She has moments where she wants to stay loyal but moments where she wants to get rid of a strong player. It seems that everyone wants Lisa to stay around but I don't know if she will go to finals. Lisa might win because she is so well liked. Denise is also very well liked but she has a better chance of winning than Lisa. Denise can win her way to the end, while Lisa might not be able to. Lisa has stepped up to the plate and made some game altering moves.