Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Elissa's good but poorly timed move

So again on Big Brother Elissa won MVP, I don't understand this, but I take comfort in the fact that there are players who in a couple of weeks will be shining much brighter than her. So enjoy MVP while it lasts Elissa cause it won't be long, one way or the other.  Now this week she used MVP power (3rd Nominee) much better than last week and it had the potential to be a big move, if the Nominee would have stayed Jeremy. With Nick on the block he has the votes of his alliance (the Moving Company: Jeremy, Howard, McCrae, and Spencer) most likely the vote of GinaMarie, and Jeremy will bring in the vote of Kaitlyn. Elissa has Andy, Candice, maybe Amanda and Judd, with Jessie floating out in no man's land. But that still leaves the vote 5-6 with Elissa going home. Sorry Elissa, this week you should have played like Rachel and gone after the girls.  You might have been able to get Kaitlyn out, especially after Jeremy decided to try and intimidate his alliance into keeping his girlfriend. Elissa I give you props for making the move,but I really don't think it will work out for you in the end. Sorry, but if you do stay I hope your game gets better, because you give away so much information every time you talk to Nick.

Till next time.

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