After 2 episodes it seems that a major theme this season is how the person played on their last season. This theme seems to come up more and more from any other previous returning player season. On
All Stars it was new and exciting and there really wasn't any talk of how the players were going to correct the mistakes from last time. This also held true for
Heroes vs. Villains, as this season mainly focused on Russell Hantz and his horrible social game play. The first player that I can recall stating what they needed to change for Parvati in
Fans vs. Favorites, when she stated that she was the flirt on
Cook Islands and there was no other dimension to her. She voiced that she knew what she needed to change about her game play in order to be successful at this game. However, this season it seems to be talked about all the time, even at tribal. With everyone talking about what they did wrong last time, I am very surprised that Shirin did not comfort Abi. Even if this comfort is just for game play, as soon as you see Terry go down there, walk down there too and talk to her or talk to her the next morning and ask for her side. Mike came to Shirin's defense, even when it was against his alliance and Shirin could have made a similar move. Or at least had a pow wow saying, "guys let's suck it up and deal with Abi until she can get cut loose", anything but letting the other alliance bond with her. Abi for all her faults is very loyal to the people who show her kindness. She was very loyal to Pete an Artis as soon as they solidified their bonds with her. She was even loyal to Malcolm until he betrayed her. So how Abi some kindness and she will be yours forever and be a bigger target than you almost any day. As for Spencer, I'm kinda surprised he didn't make the bonds needed sooner, as that's what he talked about needing to do on day 1 and apparently he failed to do this. I do have to say that my stand out so far is Kelly Wentworth. As she has an idol, that she grabbed at a challenge in front of her tribe, she's seems to be good with everyone and is playing a low key, somewhat Sandra game. She definitely comes off of having the attitude "as long as it ain't me". This worked very well for Sandra and it might get Kelly very far. There really hasn't been any strategy talk shown at the Bayon camp after the first episode where an alliance was shown. Really the only thing from Bayon we get is the Stephen is not well received and Savage wants him out. Oh, and everyone loves Joe. I'm kinda indifferent on Joe and find Spencer and Stephen to be more interesting. I will say that the only thing the only place Stephen can go from here is up and the 3-way tribe divide is going to be great from him. However, 1 tribe will be screwed and have to make a new camp, with only 6 people on day 7. Sorry to those people. I am very excited for the 3 way tribe divide and kinda want to see things go south for Monica or Abi. I can dream at least.
Til next week.
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