Clay and Shelli being Clay and Shelli |
While I am a bigger
Survivor fan than
Big Brother fan, after last season I was really excited to watch
Big Brother 17 play out and I have to say that I am very disappointed. I gave it 4 weeks to wait for something good to happen and I got nothing. Nothing at all. Instead I got people who don't understand the game and in general not a lot of people that I can or even want to root for. While I am a sucker for a good romance, Clay and Shelli have just bored me and even made me angry from Day 1. I'm sure that they are nice, good people but they are just so blah, both together and apart. Like there is nothing to them except for how good looking they are. Austin and Liz aren't even a real thing and I don't get Austin at all. He says he will sacrifice his game for her or words to that effect and she doesn't even really like him. If it's really meant to be then, she will be there after the game and y'all will live happily ever after, if it's not then you might have $50,000 cause I really don't see him winning the $500,000. I actually really don't want anyone to win the money or at least really don't care who does win at this point. I think last season must have been the funny season, cause the people on this season are just boring on the show. I will admit that I do not watch the live feeds and I have heard that they are good, but I just don't care enough about the people to buy the feeds. A contributing reason why I don't like this season is how the "Battle of the Block" or "BOB" is being played out this year. I'm trying to compare the BOB from this season to last season to find out why I don't like it and I think has to do with how last season there were some twists but it wasn't as calculated as this season. This season the HOHs or Heads of Household decide who will stay in power and then convince someone to throw BOB. Why would you throw a competition that means you'll stay on the block?! Why? I am glad the BOB has ended earlier than last season, with it only going for 5 weeks, but please retire this twist, please. We don't want to see it again, it was cool and different last season but we don't want to see it every season. Another factor into my dislike for this season is the "BB Takeover", where a random person outside the house takes over the game for a week and then random powers are introduced in the house. This twist seems to have died out but it just didn't seem good to start with, with there being too much of a chance that production was going to mess with the game. However, everything goes back to the people, because all the good twists in the world won't save your show unless there are people that the viewers want to watch and want to see play. Well here's hoping the either the season gets better or
Survivor Second Chances is amazing.
Yeah, cause who wants America to hate them? |
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