Abi being Abi |
It's that time again,
Survivor is back!! For this season the producers gave fans "control" of who was going to be cast. I use the term control loosely as I'm not 100% convinced that the producers didn't put some people in that the fans didn't vote in. While these people probably got close to the top 10, I don't think they actually made it in, but more on those people later. The show premiered last night and since I got my wires crossed, I missed the first 30 minutes or so, which I just watched and I got to say I still have the same reaction, who picks Abi over anyone else! This woman is horrible and just plain mean, she isn't even funny and doesn't understand anything and was basically useless in challenges in her first season. Arg!! Why?! I'm somewhat surprised she got back in, but at least you remembered her and she made an impact on her season. I just hope that people kept Abi as either a shield or the other person was a bigger threat to their game, and if that is the case then please leave soon. Before the Abi lovers get on me about her, I also don't like Woo either. However Woo is for a completely different set of reasons. I mainly don't like him, since I think he took Shane Powers spot and I would have liked to see him play again, which probably will never happen. Shane has since gone on to say that he will never go through the
Survivor process again, so I guess I just have to watch
Exile Island over and over again. Woo didn't really do anything in his season, he was just kind there and I know nothing about him. I'd rather have almost anyone else there than Woo. I can't even say that at least he plays the game, even Abi had that going for her, Woo just seems to be out there having fun. This is fine for your first season, however on your second try I want to see some sort of awareness on your part and some sort of knowledge about the game, Woo showed none of that. I just looked on CBS's website to see what he was known for and it's "vibrant attitude". Really?! I will say Woo is true to himself and that's nice to know, still doesn't make me want to watch him anymore. I will say that it appears that Jeff Varner is most willing to adapt of the "Old School" players. He seems willing to have the conversation and run off, but we were shown a bigger portion of Takeo camp than the Bayon camp. Speaking of Bayon,I really like the people on this tribe, they seem aware and wanting to play. While I am not a big fan of Kass or Monica I really want this tribe to go far. Go Bayon! However, my all-time favorite to win would be Kelly Wiglesworth. I was 9 or 10 when her season aired and it never occurred to me that a girl could beat a boy in a physical competition, she did- a lot. I loved it and rooted for her so hard, looking back Rich was the better player, but Kelly's impact still stays with me.
Til next week.