Everyone has those 1 or 2 (or 5) shows that they watch but don't tell anybody about because they are somewhat embarrassed to admit that they watch these shows actively. Many guilty please shows fall under the reality TV category or are the target audience is teen girls and they involve a lot of high school drama. For this blog I would like to reveal my guilty pleasure shows with you guys, so i guess the secret will be out. when this blog is published.
sean & catherine, des & chris, and trista & ryan |
The first guilty pleasure show is
The Bachelor. This show is so ridiculous, I watch it and I cringe at the majority of what the people say. However, I will admit that this show is what will coax me into buying the gossip magazines at the stores.
The Bachelor and
Bachelorette are just really fun shows to watch and kinda look at as an outsider, especially when people say, "This is my last chance for love" or words to that effect. While you might not have found lasting love before, chances are there is someone out there for you, you just haven't met them yet. I find this very funny when the people who say this are in their early 20's. I just think, "Really, this is your last chance for love and you're only 22? Really, did it cross your mind that you haven't lived much of your life yet? Did it?" While I would like to point out that it has been proven that the process an work, see Trista & Ryan, Ashley & JP, Jason & Molly, Sean & Catherine,and most recently Des &Chris it seems that you have to be open and honest with yourself and the other people on the show. Though, I do have to admit that the most fun of watching this show is seeing the train wrecks and the happily ever afters that form.
collin- too damn good looking for his own good |
A similar show to
The Bachelor/ Bacherloette is my next guilty pleasure show is actually a recent discovery for me and this show is
Sweet Home Alabama. This show follows a Southern belle as she has to make a choice city or country, meaning will she find love with a country boy or a city guy. This show is pretty funny just for the simple fact that the guys fight among each other so much. I haven't seen season two in which it was girls fighting for a guy's love, but the guys fighting for a girl is so funny. I do have to admit that the biggest draw that show has for me, is that I'm a country girl so I know a lot of guys like the ones on the show. While
The Bachelor does give more one liners than this show, it's still good for an amazing laugh. Since, I just discovered this show I don't have as much to rant about except how good looking Collin is.
mash up
The next guilty pleasure shows are mainly from my childhood and shows that I continue to watch, because they are just too much fun not too. These shows are
Yu-gi-oh and
Power Rangers, while I fully admit that I shouldn't be watching these shows anymore, I really just can't help myself and would like to take this moment to let you know that I very much a nerd and very proud of this fact. These shows bring out the inner nerd in me and just make me feel like a kid again. These shows are dumb and just kinda fun to watch when you are having a lazy day or want some background noise.
yu-gi, kaiba, noah
What about you, what are your favorite guilty pleasure shows?