Abi makes a play(what!)
Abi finally made a plan, without someone else to guide her. This is the first move that Abi has made by herself. Abi decided in the auction to wait for an advantage and spend all of her money on that. The only problem I have with this move is that the allaince should have jumped at the chance. This is the faltal flaw that the allaince made in this episode. If the allaince would have anticipated this item coming up for auction, then Penner might still be there. Bad move from the allaince, but great money spent by Abi. The money bought Abi a spot in the finals of the immunity challenge. Without this money, Abi is probably out in the first two rounds. So good play Abi, but I still hope you go home.
Penner takes a bow
Penner is gone! This makes me so sad, I was rooting for Penner all the way. He played a great game and actually one of the most straight-up games he has played during his time on Survivor. However, since he played a straight-up game he made several mistakes, that cost him the money. Penner didn't take the final four deal with Lisa and Michael, this ended up costing him the most. If Penner would have taken the deal, then it would have been Denise going home, assuming that Malcolm would have played his idol. I wanted Penner to make it to the end this time. He was playing a good game and made a lot of good moves, but alas it was not meant to be. Maybe next time Penner, and I can't wait to hear your jury question.
Lisa's flip-flopping ways
Of all the people on this season that dive me crazy Lisa takes the cake. Lisa says she loves the game, but then says this game isn't for her. She tries to play the game but then she feels bad and tells Penner that he is going home. This drives me crazy and I'm surprised the castaways didn't just flip the script on Lisa and vote her out. Yes she's a nice lady and you might have a chance against her in the finals but she's such a wild card that her cons outweigh her pros. Lisa needs to go, she can't commit to a plan and keep her mouth shut. Please let Lisa be the next person to go, please. I want Lisa to go so some other people can stay (Denise, Malcolm, and Carter)