Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Survivor Philippines Episode 6- Stupid, Stupid, Deal

Reward for Rice-the Great Debate
It's that time again, another new episode of Survivor. Probably the biggest move of this episode didn't involve voting anyone out, instead it involved sandwiches, rice, reward challenge and a very unhappy birthday boy (Artis) The first match up of the reward challenge was at a stand still for over an hour, around the hour mark, Skupin and Penner decided to make a deal.  I'm kinda hazy on who actually proposed the deal at first, so I'll just credit to both of them.  This deal was Kalabaw would win the challenge, in exchange Tandang gets the rest of Kalabaw's rice.  My thoughts while this deal was being made, involved how much rice does Kalabaw have.  I mean this deal could be great for Tandang or it could be what it was and just give them a boost for 2 more days.  My biggest issue with this deal is a problem that came up with one The Challenge's blogs, the fact that they didn't compete!!  This drives me crazy, I want to see some competition and strategy, this is why I watch Survivor.  I don't really see any strategy here, except someone was tired and wanted to get something from the challenge.  Boo returning survivors, just boo.  I want to see competition, not cop-outs.

Upcoming Merge??
Everyone seems to be fixated on the idea of an upcoming merge, this drives me crazy.  In Survivor you can't predict exactly when things will happen, and assuming will only get you screwed (see Shii Ann-Survivor Thailand).  Therefore, in this game you plan ahead and adjust accordingly. You be flexible, not fixated on certain ideas.  Kalabaw has been very fixated on the idea, that Penner must go and it must be before the merge.  For whatever reason Kalabaw is convinced that Penner will rule at challenges post-merge.  Sorry to tell you, but that won't happen.  I know this based on the challenge performances from Malcolm, Denise and Pete.  Malcolm and Pete will be the indiviual immunity sweepers and therefore Tandang should think about potentially throwing a challenge to get rid of one of them.  This goes against what I said Kalabaw should do, I know, but I really want Tandang to go to tribal.  This would make my night to see Abi squirming and RC trying to deflect questions, please Survivor gods give this to me, please!! I'm very excited for the merge, cause I can't wait and see Abi start living with people that will probably talk back to her (Penner and Jeff Kent).  If you can't tell I don't like Abi, I think she should be gone and hopefully she'll be gone right at the merge, so she won't be on jury. Until then be flexible people and plan ahead, but with options.

Malcolm-the Hero 
All I have to say about the immunity challenge is that it was made for Jeff and Malcolm sealed the victory for Tandang.  I really wonder if Matsing was just cursed from the beginning, because Malcolm is on a winning streak with Tandang.  I refuse to think that Denise is cursed, because I like her so much.  I disagree with Probst, because I think that Jeff and Malcolm were even in the challenge.  However, since Tandang won Malcolm is the hero not Jeff.  So sorry Jeff, maybe next challenge.

Bye, Bye Katie 
Oh Katie, it was nice seeing you for two episodes, so sad you had to leave.  Like I said before, I didn't realize Katie was on the show until, the dissolution of Matsing.  What amazed me more about Katie's leaving was the consideration by the tribe to get rid of Penner instead.  Penner is more of an asset to the tribe at this point than a liability.  Katie is potentially loyal but weak in challenges and to think about people at the merge you need to get to the merge.  So bye Katie see you at the reunion, and maybe Angie will give you some cookies!    

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